Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a process,
not an outcome nor a product.
It starts with a vision, and through a carefully guided process with input from various stakeholders, a strategic plan can yield a wonderful map for two to five years for an organization. Add outcomes and metrics, and the map becomes a wayfinding tool that builds culture, fosters communications, and measures success.
Just as strategic plans are imperative to an organization’s future, the same types of plans are critical to personal growth. What is your vision for your life—what is your mission—your values? How do you determine your goals? And more important, are you reaching them?
The Personal Strategic Planᵀᴹ is based on the positive psychology approach to coaching and begins with a personal assessment, followed by an individualized planning process.
Learn more about Suzanne’s innovative concept The Personal Strategic Plan.ᵀᴹ
“A strategic plan is not a rule book, but the guide that focuses an organization—or individual—towards success.”
— Suzanne Allen, PhD